Differentiate between Apomixis and Amphimixis 4 points list
Explanation:Apomixis is asexual reproduction without fertilization developing or producing without sexual union. ... This differs from amphimixis which is reproduction through the sexual process involving egg ferti-lization through sperm.
APOMIXIS This is a botanical term (also known as apogomy) used with used with respect to many plants. Apomixis, derived from two Greek words “APO” (away from) and “mixed” ( the act of mixing or mingling). amphimixis True sexual reproduction, involving the fusion of male and female gametes and the formation of a zygote.
Amphimixis is of 3 types apomixis is of three types
1. parthenogenesis 1. diplospory
2. apogamy 2. apospory
3. vegetative multiplication 3. adventitious embryony
Examples of apomixis can be found in the genera Crataegus (hawthorns), Amelanchier (shadbush), Sorbus (rowans and whitebeams), Rubus (brambles or blackberries), Poa (meadow grasses), Nardus stricta (Matgrass), Hieracium (hawkweeds) and Taraxacum (dandelions). hormones and heredity are examples of amphimixis.