Differentiate between Bone and cartilage.
A Cartilage is thin, flexible and resistant to compressive forces. Bones are hard, brittle and lack elasticity. They are highly vascularized and very strong. While cartilages provide cushion-type padding for long bones, bones provide skeletal support.
Step-by-step explanation:
Difference between Bone And Cartilage
Basis of Comparison Bone Cartilage
Meaning They are hard, complex structures composed of connective tissues that protect the organs and give shape to the body. It is a soft, simple structure composed of connective tissue that offers flexibility to the joints and protects from external and internal shocks
Cell Name Bone cells are called osteocytes Cartilage cells are called chondrocytes
Growth Bidirectional. They grow in both directions. Unidirectional. It grows in a single direction
Bone Marrow It is present It is absent
Blood Vessels Present Absent
Calcium Salts Contains deposits of calcium salts May or may not contain deposits of calcium salts
Matrix It is organic and inorganic It is completely organic
Blood Supply Rich blood supply Lacks blood supply
Calcium Phosphate Present in the matrix Absent in the matrix
Haversian Canal System Present Absent
Volkmann Canal Present Absent
Types Compact Bone and Spongy Bone Fibrocartilage, Elastic cartilage and Hyaline cartilage
sorry I missed to put tabular column
so I will give another answer
Definition of Bone
As you know, bones are rigid tissues of the body which are made up of collagen and calcium phosphate. Thus, it is also formed of connective tissue. Further, the bone tissues in our bodies assemble for forming the bones of the skeletons, human skeletal system, and other vertebrates. Hence, there are 206 separate bones in the body of an adult human. The largest bone is the thigh-bone or femur and the smallest one is the stapes in the middle ear. Moreover, the human body comprises of bones having five different shapes- flat, irregular, long, sesamoid, and short.
Definition of Cartilage
Cartilage is a kind of connective tissue that is soft and firm. Moreover, they provide flexibility, bending, and stretching of muscles. Thus, you will find them present in places where support and flexibility are required like between the spinal column, joints, ears, and nose. In other words, it is the extracellular matrix that is present in the connective tissue. The specialized cells known as chondroblasts produce this matrix. Further, the chondroblasts are present in the matrix of chondrocytes. Space where this cell lie is lacunae. Hence, now you know how chondrocytes decide the level of flexibility of the cartilage.