Differentiate between Emigration and Immigration
Emigrate means to leave one location, such as one's native country or region, to live in another. Immigrate means to move into a non-native country or region to live. Associate the I of immigrate with “in” to remember that the word means moving into a new country.
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Immigration is the act of coming in to live from a foreign country.
Emigration is the act of going away and settling permanently in a foreign country.
The prefix 'in' as the sound suggests or its variant 'i', gives the word sense of inward movement. (As in, income, import)
The prefix 'ex' or its variant 'e' suggests an outward movement (as in export)
Examples of usage:
The policies regarding immigration have become stricter in many countries.
The emigration of capable, intelligent people from any country constitutes brain drain.