differentiate between fertilizer or manure
Difference between Fertilizer and Manure: Decoding the definition written above, a Manure is a Fertilizer, an Organic Fertilizer to be specific, whereas a Fertilizer is a broad term used for anything that increases the fertility of the soil. ... Organic Fertilizers. Inorganic/Synthetic/Chemical Fertilizers.
Fertilizer is a substance that is either made by man or nature and is added to the soil to improve its fertility while manure is obtained from the decomposition of plants and animals wastes and is also added to soil to increase fertility. Fertilizer is rich in plant nutrients while manure is less rich in plant nutrients. Fertilizer is made in factories and is costly while manure is made naturally in the fields and is not costly. Fertilizers have disadvantages when misused or overused while manure has no side effects. Fertilizer is absorbed by plants quickly while manure is absorbed by plants slowly.