differentiate between fore brain and hind brain
The main difference in the parts of the brain lies with the different functions that is responsible for.
1. Hind brain is responsible for breathing, heart and blood vessel activity, swallowing, vomiting, and digestion (gastric secretions). It serves as a screen for information that leaves or enters the brain.
2. Mid brain is a centre for eflex responses to visual output (see), touch and auditory input(hear).
3. Forebrain is responsible for hunger, thirst, body temperature and is also a seat of intelligence and memory.
guy mark as brain list plzzzz.....
★★★ Heya user..!! ★★★
Here is ur answer..!!
→ CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM : Consists of brain and spinal cord.
→ Brain is the highest coordinating centers of the body. It is protected by
cranium, a bony box in the skull. It is covered by 3 membranes. The space
between the membranes called meninges.
Brain divided into 3 regions :
1. Forebrain
2. Midbrain
3. Hind brain
√ Differentiate between fore brain and hind brain are :
→ Forebrain
- Includes cerebrum and olfactory lobes.
- Consists of two cerebral hemispheres.
- It has three main areas :
a) Sensory area : Receive impulses from sense organs via receptors.
b) Motor area : Sends impulses to various organs or muscles and control voluntary movements.
c) Association area : Register impressions and respond by interpreting past experiences. They are associated with reasoning, learning and intelligence.
→ Hind brain
- Consists of three centers :
a) Cerebellum : Controls and coordinates muscular movements, maintaining body posture and equilibrium.
b) Pons : Acts as a bridge, carry all sensory and motor neuron between brain and spinal cord.
c) Medulla oblongata : Controls involuntary actions including blood pressure salivation and vomiting.
I Hope this may help u..!!
★★★ Be Brainly..!! ★★★
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