Differentiate between functions of ER, ribosomes and Golgi bodies.
Golgi apparatus sorts, modifies, and delivers the components in a cell, whereas ER is much a structurally aiding organelle for metabolic activities. The structure of ER is expanded inside the cell much more than the Golgi apparatus.
difference between the function of ER,ribosomes and golgi bodies
Endoplasmic reticulum(ER)
ER is an important organelle in the cytoplasm,it is of two types rough endoplasmic retmiculum contain ribosomes in its outer surface and helps in the synthesis of proteins. on the other hand Smooth endoplasmic reticulum helps in the biosynthesis of lipid molecules.
Golgi bodies
Golgi bodi functions as cellular traffic by help in protein targeting or protein sorting process thus helping in the transport of spicific protein to specific organelle by various vesicles that it contains
Ribosomes act as work benches for protein synthesis.Ribosomes contain rRNA and proteins .Ribosomes along with mRNA and tRNA helps in the arrrangement of amino acids with respect to the codon of the mRNA and anticodon in the tRNA.