Political Science, asked by ranjanaryaman, 7 months ago

Differentiate between horizontal and vertical power of sharing it modern democracies?

State any three differences between them.​


Answered by abcdef1230


Horizontal power sharing:

*Equal power is shared.

*power is shared among different organs of govt. that is executive, legislative and judiciary

*also called as checks and balance system as each organ checks the other.

Vertical power sharing:

*power is shared among different levels of government that is central,state and local government.

*equal power is not shared

*it is also called as federal division of power.


Hope it helps u......

plz mark it as brainliest answer!!!!

Answered by ItzAditt007

The differences between horizontal and vertical power sharing is as follows-

  • In horizontal power sharing power is divided into different prgans of the government while in verical power sharing power is divided among the different levels of the government.

  • In horizontal power sharing power is divided among Legislative, Executive and Judiciary but on the other hand in vertical power sharing power is divided between Central government, State government and local-self government.

  • Horizontal distribution specifies the concept of checks and balances in order to check the exercises of unlimited powers of the organs. But, there is no such concept of checks and balances in the vertical Division because powers are clearly given by the constitution from the higher level to the lower level.

Hope this will help you if it helps then plz mark my answer as BRAINLIEST. And remember to always keep a smile on face:)

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