Biology, asked by kummaurya9198857536, 10 months ago

Differentiate between human digestive system and Ruminate digestive system ?​


Answered by viji18net


humans                                                rumimants  

1) humans have one  stomach               1 ) these animals have 4 stomach or chambers  

2) humans cant digest cellulose            2) such animals can digest celluose

Answered by samiaiman343

Cows belong to a class of animals called ruminants, which includes cloved hoofs, the ruminant stomach and a different set of teeth and mouth construction. As herbivores, cows require a lot of fiber in their diet, which they get from grazing. Their mouths contain 32 teeth, with six incisors and two canines on the bottom front met by a dental pad atop the mouth -- which allows them to clip and consume a lot of grass. The canines in a cow's mouth behave more like incisors, being non-fang like, to cut the grass. A large gap exists in the cow's mouth to separate the front teeth and dental pad from the molars used when grinding the cud side-to-side.

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