Biology, asked by anasardana9182, 1 year ago

Differentiate between hypermetropia and myopia


Answered by Anonymous
hypermetropia is condition called as short sightedness where near objects can't be seen clearly..can be rectified by using concave lens

myopia is long sightedness where far objects are not seen clearly..can be rectified by using convex lens...

hope it helps...
Answered by Rujuta
hypermeropia is a farsightness defect.
the person suffering from this defect can not see near object clearly.
it can cause due to low converging power,short eye ball and distance between retina amd eye ball is can be corrected by using convex lens

myopia is a nearsightness defect .Inthis defect person can not see far object can cause due to the high converging power,long eyeball,dustance between retina and eyeball us more.
it can be corrected by using concave lens
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