Differentiate between idea plane, verbal plane and notational plane. Discuss the canons of idea plane giving examples.
the differiante between the all three plane are :-
ideal plane :-
The single plane at infinity that is regarded as containing all the ideal lines of a space.
verbal plane ;-
An initial idea occurs in someone's mind (the idea plane); then it is described or discussed in words (the verbal plane); and finally it is written down (the notation plane).
notational plane:-
Notational plane is a plane of numbers, where concepts are represented by numbers. • The main concern at the notational plane is to develop a set of ordinal digits and the rules for their usage
1) Idea plane,
2) Verbal plane, and
3) Notational plane
1)Canons for the Idea plane – In idea plane all aspects of the universe of knowledge
are analyzed by its structure, dimensions, qualities, characteristics, kind of
relationship and bond of strength among each item of knowledge. A scheme for
classification assumes the prior concept of a scheme of classes. A scheme of
classification involves five inherent concepts, they are
a) Canons for characteristics,
b) Canons for succession of characteristics,
c) Canons for array,
d) Canons for chain, and
e) Canons for filiatory sequence.
2) Canons for the verbal plane – Verbal plane helps to decide the type of terminology
to be used in the scheme of classification. Natural language is imperfect, there is a
vagueness in the meaning of ordinary words used in everyday conversation. Ther are
also the incidence of homonyms and synonyms. New terms appear from time to time
and these may be used to express new ideas, the meaning of a new term often keeps
changing from time to time unless it is accepted in the concerned subject. Classifier
are concerned with the application of schemes, they may find this useful in
interpreting the terms in the schedule at the time of classifying documents. These
canons must be followed by those engaged in the designing and construction of the
schedules of a scheme. Ranganathan has formulated the following canons of work at
the verbal plane, they are
a) Canons of context,
b) Canons of enumeration,
c) Canons of currency, and
d) Canons of reticence.
3) Canons for notational plane – It has the responsibility of implementing the findings
of of the idea plane. While designing the scheme of classification the idea plane
decides the neccessary characteristics to be used for the arrangement of the universe
of subjects in the filiatory sequence. The notational plane therefore has to provide the
mechanism in the form of the notational system for the helpful and systematic
arrangement for the existing as well as for future unknown subjects in a scheme for
classification. The canons for notational plane are,
a) Canon of synonym,
b) Canon of homonym,
c) Canon of relativity and canon of uniformity,
d) Canon of hierarchy and canon of non-hierarchy,
e) Canon of mixed notation and canon of pure notation,
d) Canon of faceted notatio and canon of non-faceted notation, and
f) Canon of co-extensiveness and canon of under-extensiveness.
The notational system for a growing universe should satisfy canons for hospitality in
array and chain. They are
a) Canon of extrapolation in array,
b) Canon of interpolation in array,
c) Canon of extrapolation in chain,
d) Canon of interpolation in chain