Social Sciences, asked by A1111, 1 year ago

Differentiate between LOC and LAC


Answered by Anonymous
The full form of LoC is Line of Control.It defines the separation of area of Kashmir that is owned by India and Pakistan.It is mainly occupied by military camps.
The full form of LAC is Line of Actual Control.
It is the border between India and China.
It is not occupied by military camps and is mostly an empty space.
Hope it'll be helpful.
Answered by jvnkhln06gmailcom
LOC: it stands for line of control. It defines the boundary separating parts of Kashmir controlled by India and Pakistan. It is demarcated border marked by militaries.

LAC:it stands for line of actual control. It is a boundary between India and China. It is not demarcated and contain vast empty space.

Hope it help u, plz.. mark as brainliest.
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