Computer Science, asked by naitik2, 1 year ago

differentiate between merging and splitting of cells in table

pipi: plz mark my answer as brainliest


Answered by DiyanaN
merging means combining two cells while spliting means dividing one into two

naitik2: long answer do
Answered by pipi

hi naitik2,

Merge cells is a feature in Microsoft Word that allows you to join many cells in a table into one cell. Say you have five rows in a table which you find not useful and you would like to convert them into a single cell which you want to use, you will simply merge the five rows into one.

You can find the merge cell in MS Word 2007 by highlighting the cells, then right click on them and choose merge cells as shown in the diagram below:

Split cells on the other hand is a feature that will allow you to divide a single column or row into more rows especially if you would like to fix some data in between the existing rows or columns. Just like the merge cells feature, to split a row or column into many more, right click on the row or column where you want to place the additional cells, and then choose split cells as shown in the diagram below:

Hope this helps.

plz mark as brainliest

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