Differentiate between news groups and What'sapp group (3 points)
Don't post irrelevant answers if you don't know the correct answer
WhatśApp Group: Whenever someone new is added it is visible and everyone can write and send messâges which appear in the common chať. When you create a broadćast you can select a maximum of 256 conťacts which will receive the same mesśage once you senđ it out.
Newsgroup : Same as forum, an on-line discussion group. However to view and pòst messağes to a newsgroup, you neèd a news reader, a prògram that runs on your computer and connècts you to a news server on the Interńet.
Note that with a forum you wont neèd a news reader.
More Information:
Community : A virtual community is a group of people sharing common interests, ideas, and feelings over the Internet or other collaborative networks. Whenever you talk about a community its actually an "interaction" you are talking about. Blogs, forums, newsgroups etc are simply tools used to maintain this interaction