Biology, asked by akshitatewari24, 8 months ago

Differentiate between ODD and SPD on the basis of their symptoms (Any two).


Answered by devyanisrivastav


Not all children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) qualify for the oppositional defiant disorder diagnosis. However, the percentages are high — some studies put estimates as high as 65 percent of kids with ADHD who also have a defiance disorder. A recent article in Attention!, the quarterly magazine published by CHADD, cites a study of 600 7 to 9 year olds in which 40 percent of the children with ADHD also had ODD, with 15 percent, or 1 in 7, having more serious conduct disorders.

It appears that some children will outgrow some aspects of ODD. For example, a defiant teen may grow into a more easy-to-get-along-with adult. However, other behaviors may be life long. An aggressive two year old will very likely be an aggressive adult.


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Answered by jenisha145

There is a huge difference in symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

ODD is a type of disorder in children who are disrespectful and defiant to their authority or parent figures due to various environmental factors.

SPD is a disease that affects children's sensory information and takes time to affect that sensory information.

The main differences in the symptoms of these disorders are :

  • The child with ODD is quite rebellious in nature, whereas the children with SPD do not show any such symptoms and are quite late in responding to actions.
  • The disease SPD results in a neurological jam in children, and ODD results in sudden anger outbursts.
  • Sometimes reading for a child with SPD gets difficult and this is no case in ODD, children with ODD often show disruptive behavior.

Thus, there are a lot of different symptoms for both the ODD and SPD disorders


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