Differentiate between physical friends and the spiritual friends.
A physical person, I believe, must be the appearance we see, the body. I find those nearly everywhere I look.
The Spiritual Person must be singular, unlike the plural physical person. I find That One where I’m looking out of. And I may be going out on a limb here, but I dare say everyone finds That One upon looking in at where they are looking out of.
Here, we are all the same, Being this First Person at zero distance (whereas the physical person is a second or third person. always at some distance away). None of us can find our faces Here, where the Spiritual Person resides. Indeed, we find No-thing at all, also often referred to as formless Spirit.
The Spiritual Person has no appearance. Or, you could say, it has all the appearances. It has no limits and no divisions within it. Unlike the physical person it is not a thing. That means it was not born and it will not perish.
The physical person has no consciousness of its own. Bodies are not conscious. It is the Spiritual Person who alone is conscious because it is Consciousness itself. It appears as the physical person.
Hope I Help You