Science, asked by Agamya2116, 11 months ago

Differentiate between Pisces,Aves, Reptilia, Amphibians, Mammalia each 6 points are needed. with examples


Answered by ShuchiRecites
Hello Mate!

Thanks for your question!

The Vertebrates compromise off Pisces, Amphibians, Reptiles, Aves and Mammalia.

1. Pisces :

● This class compromises of fishes which are aquatic, free living and develop system level of organisation.

● They are bilaterally symmetrical and contain three germ layers - endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm ( Triploblastic ).

● They are coelomate and locomotion occurs through streamlined body and forelimbs modified into fins.

● Respiration occurs through gills. Heart is 2 chambered containing 1 auricle and 1 ventricle.

● Exoskeleton is in form of rough scales. While inmer body is made up of cartilage and bones.

● They are cold - blooded and can't control their body temperature. The reproduction occurs sexually. Sexes are seperate and they lay eggs.

Eg = Catla ( Catla ), Electric Ray ( Torpede ), dog fish ( Scolidon ), Rohu ( Labeo ), Flying fish ( Exocoetus ).

2. Amphibia :

● This class compromises of organism which are aquaticnor terristial, free living and develop system level of organisation.

● They are bilaterally symmetrical and contain three germ layers - endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm ( Triploblastic ).

● They are coelomate and locomotion occurs through pair of forelimbs - 4 fingers, or hindlimbs ( pentadactyle ) = 5 fingers

● Respiration in larvae occurs through gills while lungs in adults. Heart is 3 chanbers with 2 auticle and 1 ventricle.

● The body is smooth and most. Totally devided into head and trunk with no neck. The inner body is made if bones and cartilage.

● Reproduction is sexual with external feetilisation. Delopmemt is notices from egg to teadpol and then a adult frog. They are cold blooded.

Eg = Frog ( Rana ), Tree frog ( Hyla ), Toad ( Bufo ) and Salamander ( Triturus ).

3. Reptilia :

● This class compromises of organism which are aquaticnor terristial, free living and develop system level of organisation.

● They are bilaterally symmetrical and contain three germ layers - endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm ( Triploblastic ).

● They are coelomate and locomotion occurs through pentadactyle. The heart is three chambered with 2 auricle and 1 ventricle.

● The exoskeleton us made up of scales where as endoskeleton of bones.

● Respiration takes place due to presence of lunges.

● They are cold blooded organism.

● They reproduce sexually where their eggs contain extra embryonic membranes.

Eg. =Magur ( Crocoldilus ), wall lizard ( Hemidactylus ), Trotoise ( Testudo ) and Garden lizard ( Chameleon ).

4. Aves :

● This class compromises of organism which are arial, free living and develop system level of organisation.

● They are bilaterally symmetrical and contain three germ layers - endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm ( Triploblastic ).

● They are coelomate and locomotion occurs through forlimb modufied into wings. They have horny beak for collection.

● Their bones are pneumatic i.e. hollow helping to fly in air. They contain claws and jaws. Their alimantry canal have crop for stroing foid and gizzard fir grinding.

● Their heart is 4 chambered with 2 auricles and ventricles each. Respiration occurs through lungs and they contain 9 air sacs for double respirations

● They have syrinx and better vision. They reporduce sexually, lay eggs and have well parental care. They are warm blooded.

Ex = Sparrow ( Passer ), Peacock, Pigeon ( Columba ) and owl.

5. Mammalia :

● This class compromises of organism which are arial, free living and develop system level of organisation.

● They are bilaterally symmetrical and contain three germ layers - endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm ( Triploblastic ).

● They are coelomate and locomotion occurs through pair of hindlimbs.

● Heart is 4 chambered and respiration takes place through lungs. They contain pinna or external ear.

● The body is covered with skin hairs and have sweat and sabceaus glands.

● The inner body contain many bones and some cartulages. They are warm blooded organism.

● Males may contain pinna testis permanently or temperorily inside scrotum. Pinna is a copulatry part of males.

● Reproduction is sexual with internal feetilisation. The child grows inside mother and develops placent. Parental care is well developed.

Eg = Humans ( Homo )
Tiger ( Panthera tigris )
Lion ( Panthers leo )
Cat ( Felis ) and dog ( Canis ).

Have great future ahead!
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