Differentiate between primary and secondary catering establishment.
Primary Sector
The primary sector involves the extraction of raw materials from the Earth. This extraction results in raw materials and basic foods, such as coal, wood, iron and corn. The types of workers in this sector include farmers, coal miners and hunters.
In the U.S. and similarly in most other modern world countries, there is a decline in the proportion of the population that works in the primary sector. Currently, only 3% of our nation's labor force is engaged in primary sector activity. This is a big change from the mid-19th century in which two-thirds of the labor force was engaged in this sector.
Secondary Sector
The secondary sector involves the transformation of raw materials into goods. This transformation results in wood being made into furniture, steel being made into cars or textiles being made into clothes, as examples. The types of workers in this sector include a seamstress, factory worker or craftsmen.
The development into this sector can be attributed to demand for more goods and food, which leads to industrialization. Only so much can be done in the primary sector before there is a natural limit on how much can be extracted. When an economy moves into the second sector, new farm techniques are used, and industrialization changed how goods can be transformed, distributed and sold. Currently, 20% of the U.S. labor force is involved in the secondary sector.
Tertiary Sector
The tertiary sector involves the supplying of services to consumers and businesses. This sector provides services to the general population and business, including retail, sales, transportation and restaurants. The types of workers in this sector include restaurant bartenders, accountants and pilots. The service industry makes up 80% of the labor force today.
Catering establishment :
An organization that offers food and drinks is referred to as a catering establishment. Primary catering establishments and secondary catering enterprises are the two broad categories for catering establishments.
Primary Catering Establishment:
These are those catering businesses whose main purpose is to serve food and drinks to visitors or clients. These catering businesses are often run by the private sector. They were founded with a profit motive, which means that they expect to make money from the sales of food and drinks. Hotels, restaurants, bars, ODCs, and other examples.
Secondary catering establishment :
These are the establishments that offer food and beverages as a component of another business, often known as secondary or welfare catering. They want to get wealthy. Instead, businesses like industrial canteens, hospitals, airlines, schools, colleges, ships, and cruise lines exist to offer social services at reasonable costs. Despite the fact that the sort of menu supplied in this form of catering may be different from another, both the quality and quantity of the food should be excellent.
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