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Differentiate between socialism and communism [long answer].<br />
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The Differences Between Communism and Socialism
Young millworker in 1908
A young millworker in 1908; exploitative child labor was one of the ills of early capitalism.
Public Domain/Wikipedia Commons

By Robert Longley
Updated March 03, 2020
The difference between communism and socialism is not conveniently clear-cut. The two terms are often used interchangeably, but these economic and political theories are not the same. Both communism and socialism arose from protests against the exploitation of the working class during the Industrial Revolution.

While applications of their economic and social policies vary, several modern countries—all ideologically opposed to capitalism—are perceived as either communist or socialist. In order to understand contemporary political debates, it's important to know the similarities and differences between communism and socialism.

Communism Vs. Socialism
In both communism and socialism, the people own the factors of economic production. The main difference is that under communism, most property and economic resources are owned and controlled by the state (rather than individual citizens); under socialism, all citizens share equally in economic resources as allocated by a democratically-elected government. This difference and others are outlined in the table below.

Communism vs. Socialism
Attribute Communism Socialism
Basic Philosophy From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution.
Economy Planned By Central government Central government
Ownership of Economic Resources All economic resources are publicly owned and controlled by the government. Individuals hold no personal property or assets. Individuals own personal property but all industrial and production capacity is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government.
Distribution of Economic Production Production is intended to meet all basic human needs and is distributed to the people at no charge. Production is intended to meet individual and societal needs and distributed according to individual ability and contribution.
Class Distinction Class is abolished. The ability to earn more than other workers is almost nonexistent. Classes exist but differences are diminished. It is possible for some people to earn more than others.
Religion Religion is effectively abolished. Freedom of religion is allowed. ​


Answered by Anonymous


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Answered by Anonymous

Answer:The main difference is that socialism is compatible with democracy and liberty, whereas Communism involves creating an 'equal society' through an authoritarian state, which denies basic liberties. ... Communism is a political and economic ideology – closely associated with the state Communism of the Soviet Union and China.

Hope it helps you


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