Science, asked by madduumunyabhu, 1 year ago

Differentiate between sol, solution and suspension.


Answered by Jojin
Sol(Colloidal solution)SolutionSuspension1.They are heterogeneous in nature1.They are homogeneous in nature1.They are heterogeneous in nature2. They scatter a beam of light and hence show Tyndall effect.2. They do not scatter a beam of light and hence do not show Tyndall effect.2. They do not scatter a beam of light and hence do not show Tyndall effect.3. They are quite stable3. They are very stable3. They are unstable4. Examples of sol are: milk, blood smoke etc.4. Examples of solution are: salt in water, sugar in water.4. Examples of suspension are: sand in water, dusty air
Answered by kapil913


  • Solution is a homogeneous mixture.
  • In the solution the solute particles cannot be seen with our naked eye.
  • In solution the there is no residue at bottom or top.
  • Solution cannot be separated by filtration.
  • Solution doesn't show tyndall effect.


  • Sol seems like homogeneous but it is heterogeneous.
  • In sol solute particles cannot be seen with naked eyes.
  • In sol there is no residue at top or bottom.
  • Sol cannot be separated by filtration.
  • Sol shows tyndall effect.


  • Suspension is a heterogeneous mixture.
  • In suspension solute particles can be seen by naked eyes.
  • In suspension if solute have low density than solvent then it will float and if density is more than solvent then settle at bottom which means residue is there.
  • Suspension can be separated by filtration.
  • Suspension shows tyndall effect.

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