differentiate between sterreotype and prejudice
Partnership is considered by some to be relatively unpopular form of business ownership because: 1. Uncertainty of duration: A partnership suffers from a possible limited span of life. ... The probability of any one of these events occurring when the number of partners is much greater than in the case of a sole proprietor
Prejudice speak to us and are a part of a negative attitude. Just as we said that having stereotypes is a normal and social response, prejudice implies a negative connotation. To continue with our earlier example of believing that all Texans have accents, the negative prejudice would be that they aren’t educated in proper English.
This idea begins with a stereotype. In our brain, we apply the stereotype to a group and give it a negative connotation. That creates a prejudice against that group. If we take this process a step further, we have discrimination. Discrimination incorporates both the stereotype and the prejudice.