differentiate between surface and subsurface mining
here is your Answer
The difference between surface and subsurface mining is that surface mining is on the Earth’s surface and moves the un-needed materials out of the way in order to obtain the desired minerals and energy. Subsurface mining doesn’t remove the un-needed soils or rock out of the way instead it uses big machines to dig deep underground into deposits that hold the same minerals and energy there just deep under the Earth’s surface.
b) Open pit and strip mining are a form of surface mining. Both of these forms of surface mining extract iron, copper, stone, and gravel but, open pit mining is where a giant hole or quarry is dug. Strip mining is where a trench is dug to obtain the materials.
c) Shaft mining and slope mining area from of subsurface mining. Shaft mining is a direct vertical shaft that breaks through the ore, or hard stone and hoists it up so we may find the materials we ever so desire that is trapped in it. Strip mines have more of a slanted passage so it’s easier to haul up the broken ore.