Differentiate between surplus water regions and deficit water regions.
Expert Answer:
Expert Answer:Do you mean differences between water deficit and water (surplus) regions?
Expert Answer:Do you mean differences between water deficit and water (surplus) regions?Water Deficit Regions
Expert Answer:Do you mean differences between water deficit and water (surplus) regions?Water Deficit RegionsWater Surplus Regions
Expert Answer:Do you mean differences between water deficit and water (surplus) regions?Water Deficit RegionsWater Surplus RegionsIn such regions, plenty of water is available
Expert Answer:Do you mean differences between water deficit and water (surplus) regions?Water Deficit RegionsWater Surplus RegionsIn such regions, plenty of water is availableThere is a shortage of water resources
Expert Answer:Do you mean differences between water deficit and water (surplus) regions?Water Deficit RegionsWater Surplus RegionsIn such regions, plenty of water is availableThere is a shortage of water resourcesSince water is available in abundance, it has well organised irrigation system
Expert Answer:Do you mean differences between water deficit and water (surplus) regions?Water Deficit RegionsWater Surplus RegionsIn such regions, plenty of water is availableThere is a shortage of water resourcesSince water is available in abundance, it has well organised irrigation systemIrrigation system is either not present or is not advanced due to the shortage of water resources.
Expert Answer:Do you mean differences between water deficit and water (surplus) regions?Water Deficit RegionsWater Surplus RegionsIn such regions, plenty of water is availableThere is a shortage of water resourcesSince water is available in abundance, it has well organised irrigation systemIrrigation system is either not present or is not advanced due to the shortage of water resources.Soil is fertile and full of moisture required for cultivating crops
Expert Answer:Do you mean differences between water deficit and water (surplus) regions?Water Deficit RegionsWater Surplus RegionsIn such regions, plenty of water is availableThere is a shortage of water resourcesSince water is available in abundance, it has well organised irrigation systemIrrigation system is either not present or is not advanced due to the shortage of water resources.Soil is fertile and full of moisture required for cultivating cropsSoil is dry and arid
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