Differentiate between the combustion of LPG and combustion of white phosphorus
Types of combustionCombustion is mainly of three types
(1) Rapid combustion (2) Spontaneous combustion (3) Explosion
1. Rapid combustion: The combustion in which the gas burns rapidly and produces heat and light is called rapid combustion.
For example: When a burning matchstick is brought near a gas burner and the gas tap is opened, the gas immediately starts burning with the production of heat and light. Eg. Petrol, LPG, spirit, etc.,
2. Spontaneous combustion: The combustion in which no external heat is given is known as spontaneous combustion.
For example: Burning of white phosphorus in air.
3. Explosion: The combustion in which large amount of gases are evolved with the production of a tremendous amount of neat; light and sound is called explosion,
For example: When a cracker is ignited, a sudden reaction, oxidation process takes place, and in which at high speed large amount of gas is evolved with the production of tremendous amount of heat, light and sound.