Differentiate between virus, bacteria, fungi, algae
Bacteria: Belong to the domain of prokaryotes; single-celled; lack organelles and cellular compartments
Viruses: Infectious agents that are neither living nor non-living; can only replicate in other cells; classified according to the Baltimore classification system
Fungi: belong to the domain of eukaryotes; multi-cellular; mushrooms, yeast, mold etc belong to this group
Protozoa: single-celled eukaryotes
Algae: multi-cellular, photosynthetic eukaryotes
Virus:- These are the microorganisms which acts as living only after entering the host cell.
Outside the cell these act as non living or just virus particles.
these causes disease like common cold ect.
Bacteria:-These are microorganisms found everywhere; in soil, air, outside the body, inside the body, water, even in the marshy land...
these causes like tuberculosis etc.
Bacterias can also spread indirect diseases by reproducing.
Fungi:- These comes in kingdom fungi.
these grows in the dead and decaying material.
these are saprophytes.
these causes fungal infections.
Algae:- These are generally grows on water.
causes dysentery to humans.
Ex of algae are; Claymydomonas. etc