Differentiate between written and unwritten constitution in Four Points
The Difference between Written and Unwritten Constitution are as follows:
Written Constitution:
Written constitution is one which is found in one or more than one legal documents duly enacted in the form of laws. It is precise, definite and systematic. It is the result of the conscious and deliberate efforts of the people. It is framed by a representative body duly elected by the people at a particular period in history.
It is always promulgated on a specific date in history. The Constitution of India, for example, is a written constitution. It was framed by a representative Constituent Assembly and was promulgated on a definite date, i.e., 26th January 1950.
A written constitution is generally rigid and a procedure separate from that of enacting ordinary law is provided for its amendment or revision. In other words a distinction between constitutional law and ordinary law is maintained. The first is regarded as superior to the second. A written constitution may also be termed as an enacted constitution.
Modern written constitutions owe their origin to the charters of liberty granted by the kings in Middle Ages. But the first written constitution framed by a representative constituent assembly was that of the United States of America. This example was followed by France. During the 19th century a number of states framed their constitutions, all of which were written, with the exception of the constitution of England.
Unwritten Constitution:
An unwritten constitution is one in which most of the principles of the government have never been enacted in the form of laws. It consists of customs, conventions, traditions, and some written laws bearing different dates. It is unsystematic, indefinite and un-precise. Such a constitution is not the result of conscious and deliberate efforts of the people.
It is generally the result of historical development. It is never made by a representative constituent assembly at a definite stage of history, nor is it promulgated on a particular date. It is, therefore, sometimes called an evolved or cumulative constitution. The constitution of England is a classical example of an unwritten constitution. It is mainly the result of historical growth.
The foundation of the English Constitution was laid in the 13th century by King John, who issued the first charter of British freedom known as the Magna Charta. Since then it has been in the process of making through conventions and usages.
differences between written and unwritten constitution