Differentiate fauna and flora?
Answer: The primary difference between flora and faund is that flora talks about the plant life of a region or a certain period whereas fauna represents the wildlife of a region or specific period. Earth is the only planet in the entire universe, that can support life. In fact, it is a home to millions of life forms.
Hope this helps!
Flora is the term used for plant life, and Fauna is the term used for animal’s life. Flora is a group of native plants in an ecosystem of a geographical state and fauna discusses the goddess of fertility as a group of indigenous animals of any geographical region. All varieties of shrubs, grassland, trees, vegetation plants, comes beneath flora, on the opposing, all types of animals, birds, and insects fall below the kind of fauna. Flora is autotrophs as they can produce their food whereas fauna is heterotrophs as they cannot prepare their food and depends on flora. Flora has about 47,000 species of plants and 15,000 species of flowers on earth and about 89,000 species of fauna existing on earth. They can breathe, grow and reproduce, also respond to stimuli and contribute a significant role in balancing the cycle of life on earth. This communication of flora and fauna helps each other to fulfill their needs.
Flora refers to plants life present in a particular area, region and time with a complete view of them. In flora, both scientific as well as common names, explanations, topographical distributions, territories, blossoming times, favorable weather and other illustrations plants reproduction time, family chromosomes numbers are included. Flora falls under the eukaryotic category. Floras have vital properties on earth. They are useful in protecting soil destruction, causing rain and balancing the ecosystem. They serve as food sources, medicines, and play the main role in growing the economy. They provide a homeland for many animals mainly birds. About 400,000 species of the plants have been discovering, and 10% is to discover now still. Flora is a Latin word and derives from the Roman mythology goddess of flowers. Flora has a huge variety and can explain by region, flowers, fruits, and climatic condition, etc. The region in which they grow is the Easiest way to divide flora as those which grow in the marshy area will be changed from the deserted or mountainous area. Flora has three main subdivisions as Native, Weed, and Horticulture. As name shows, native species growing in a specific area. Humans develop horticultural flora for their use depends on climate and soil suitable for the species to grow. Finally, Weed flora is the uninvited plants, have no use, grows with the desired plant and so removed by the humans. Asia has the richest number of plants out of seven-continent on earth. It has nearly 100,000 different kinds of plants, growing with diverse climatic conditions.