Differentiate the types of Contexual influences
contextual and textual influences
DJ mere babu jara gana bajao
3.2 The Transactional Nature of Contextual Influence
A second methodological challenge involves capturing the transactional nature of contextual influence. Although researchers often claim to be studying the influence of context on the individual, in reality the situation is far more complicated than this, in at least three important ways. First, individuals are not the passive recipients of contextual influence, but are active agents who shape the contexts in which they live. At the same time, contexts are not static entities, but settings that change and develop over time. Thus, while children are no doubt influenced by their family environment, family environments are themselves influenced by the children who inhabit them. Similarly, friendship groups both affect, and are affected by, their members. Finding ways to model the reciprocal and dynamic relations between individuals and their environments has been an especially difficult challenge for researchers.