differnce btw biodergradble and non biodergradble sub
Biodegradable waste Non-biodegradable waste
Those which can be easily degraded by the decomposers into substances that go into soil and are harmless to the environment. Those which cannot be degraded by the decomposers and thus remain in the environment causing pollution.
They are natural wastes. They are synthetic wastes.
Examples- vegetables wastes, animal excreta Examples- plastic, polythene
Biodegradable Substances...
•Biodegradable substances are those that degrades or break down naturally.
•Biodegradable substances are those that degrades or break down naturally.
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Non-Biodegradable Substances...
•Non-biodegradable substances are those that do not degrade easily. These terms itself defines the ability of the substances which are degradable or not.
•Non-biodegradable substances remain unchanged over a long period of time.