differnce btween emperical formula and molecular formula
Molecular Formula :-
->The molecular formula is the formula derived from molecules and is representative of the total number of individual atoms present in a molecule of a compound.
->A molecular formula uses a subscript that reports the actual number of each type of atom in a molecule of the compound.
->Molecular formulas are associated with gram molecular masses that are simple whole number multiples of the corresponding empirical formula mass.
Empirical Formula :-
->The empirical formula is the simplest formula for a compound which is defined as the ratio of subscripts of the smallest possible whole number of the elements present in the formula. It is also known as the simplest formula.
->An empirical formula for a compound is the formula of a substance written with the smallest integer subscript.
->The empirical formula gives information about the ratio of numbers of atoms in the compound. The percent composition of a compound directly leads to its empirical formula.