Biology, asked by prakharyadav80pcy4ui, 1 year ago

differntiate between striated, unstriated and cardiac muscle on the basis of their structure and site/location in the body


Answered by piki68
Striated muscles

Unstriated muscles

Cardiac muscles

1.Each muscle is long, cylindrical, non-tapering and multi-nucleate.Each muscle fibre is long, flattened, spindle shaped, tapering and uninucleate.The fibres have centrally located one or two nuclei and transverse striations with light and dark bands. They are branched.2.Shows striationsDoes not show striations.Shows transverse striations.3.Occur in the limbs, body wall and neck.Occur in the walls of all tubular organs such as the stomach, intestines, blood vessels, breathing passages and the urino-genital ducts.Occur only in the walls of the heart.
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