differntiate between the 3 zones of a candle.
atleast 4 differences..
3 zones of a candle are:-
1. innermost zone
2.middle zone
3.Outer zone.
1. Innermost zone:-
✓not much air is available in innermost zone.
✓no combustion take place.
✓it is the least hot region of the candle flame.
✓it is dark in colour.
✓no by- product is formed.
2.Middle zone:-
✓not enough air is available.
✓partial(incomplete)combustion take place.
✓it is moderately hot.
✓it is luminous zone.
✓unburnt carbon particles with carbon monoxide are formed as by product formed.
3.Outer zone:-
✓plenty of air is available.
✓complete combustion take place.
✓it is very hot.
✓it is a non-luminous zone.
✓it produces carbon dioxide and water vapour as by products formed.
@Miss Weird
A candle consists of 3 zones :
1) Outer zone .
2) Middle zone .
3) Inner zone .
Differences :
⇔ In the outer zone complete combustion occurs .
⇔ In the middle zone incomplete combustion occurs .
⇔ In the inner zone no combustion occurs .
⇒ Ample oxygen or air is present here in outer zone .
⇒ Little oxygen is present in the middle zone .
⇒ No oxygen is present in the inner zone .
→ Outer zone is hottest .
→ Middle zone is little hot .
→ Inner zone is least hot .
⊕ Outer zone is blue .
⊕ Middle zone is yellow .
⊕ Inner zone is dark .