English, asked by megharani1829, 6 months ago

Difficulties faced by students and teachers during online classes..

Essay writing (200-250 words)

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Answered by senorita26


In today's society, online courses are widely used in colleges providing easy access to course materials, classroom discussions, and feedback to instructors. The course materials and activities may be accessed from any computer, whether it is from the University or from the comfort of your own home. I've taken two online courses since I've been in college and have benefited from those classes. There are a few reasons to why I'm drawn to an online education course as opposed to taking courses in a traditional classroom setting. First of all, I have a full-time job, which limits my opportunities to attend classes scheduled during normal school hours. Also online classes allow me to work on my own and move at my own pace. Finally, these classes offer more of a one-on-one teacher-student relationship rather than a teacher having to spread their focus amongst thirty other students.

Having a full time job makes it very difficult to schedule your classes. The hours I have scheduled at my job conflict with the times that most classes are offered. The use of online courses has made life at work easier, since my manager refuses to work around school schedules. Since I don't have to meet on a regularly basis, I don't have to leave my job to meet on campus. It is very convenient for me not having to meet on a regular basis. When a person has to work full time, it is hard for that person to successfully juggle their job responsibilities along with homework and study. A person can always take an online course to deal with the time constraints that a job will put on you. The use of online courses allows you to cover the material needed in school while maintaining your workload.

I've learned that to be a successful distance learner, you have to be self-disciplined and able to work well on your own. Since you won't be physically going to class each week, you can take part in class from the comfort of your own home. You must be self-disciplined because the instructor won�t constantly be there to remind you of assignments or of project deadlines. Other obligations may mean that you are not able to do the work as regularly as if you were physically attending class, it will be up to you to make sure that you are keeping up with all the work for the course. Also, one of the main objectives of college is to become a well-rounded individual, with the skills needed to successfully manage a busy agenda.

The first online course I took, I just thought that the work for the course could be put off until I had time to do the work. In doing this, I got very far behind. It took me awhile to catch back up with the assignments and I promised myself that I would never let that happen again. The students who procrastinate about their assignments, usually either wind up withdrawing from the course late in the semester because they have fallen far behind or receiving an "F" in the course because they have not completed the required class-work by the time the course is over. A student should leave time in their schedule in order to complete the online courses successfully. Although online classes are more convenient, than traditional college classes, they should be looked at as typical college classes and not taken lightly.

Being able to communicate with instructors and other students, that are taking these courses, has made me be a more active participant during the courses. With the two online courses I�ve taken, I have never felt it difficult to communicate with my instructor to ask for help or clarification of an assignment. All of these instructors and the students taking these classes have been very helpful to me. The online courses offer a discussion board to send posts to your fellow students. You get a chance to read and critique each other�s work and respond to the comments of your classmates. I�ve learned that by discussing each other�s ideas we are in turn challenging each other to examine our own thoughts and feelings. This makes class work more interesting as we get a chance to share personal experiences in the discussion while improving on our writing style.

Any student that is interested in taking an online course should do research on the class and speak with the instructor before enrolling. Personally, I would recommend online courses to anyone that has a busy schedule, such as having a full time job or having family responsibilities. Also, you are able to learn well by doing the required work on your own, without depending solely on interaction with other students as a means of learning. Online courses are a great alternative to the student who must hold a full-time job while enrolled in college. Online courses are not only convenient but they teach you how to become a more disciplined scholar.


hope this helps.....

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Answered by neelanshisharma14


hope it's helpful

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It has been a challenging period of time for all teachers, all around the world. We cannot deny that fact. All of a sudden, and because of something that is totally out of our control, students are learning remotely and both educators and administrators are in the permanent search of new tools and paths to face challenges they haven’t faced before.

A few weeks ago, without even imagining the global situation we are currently facing, we published an article in which we also talked about the challenges teachers face. But in this opportunity, we’d like to offer our readers a way out, a solution to these new challenges that appeared with Covid-19, and a unique opportunity to look at things from a brighter perspective.

How’s the day after going to be like, and when is it going to happen? Which educational paradigms will have the new “normal” way of living and interacting? How to keep your students motivated and interacting with each other? These are only some of the subjects we are going to discuss.

If there is any other challenge you are facing, as a teacher, when teaching online and remotely, let us know in the comments below and we’ll make sure to cover it in an upcoming blog post.

Are you ready to see the main challenges teachers face when teaching online? Are you ready to receive innovative tools and solutions for them? Here we go!

Main challenges of teaching remotely

Are you seeing faces of boredom in your students while teaching online? Maybe some of them left the mic open when commenting about your teaching style, or maybe your students are paying more attention to their game consoles than to the online class you so carefully prepared.

Let’s go over some of the main challenges you might encounter while teaching online. Again, we hope for this blog to be interactive. Therefore, if you have any other challenge of remote learning you’d like us to discuss, don’t be afraid to write about it in the comments section.

Motivated students

Keeping your students engaged and motivated is not an easy task. That has always been the case, and now that they’re learning from home and not even in a physical classroom you have control of the challenge becomes even bigger. But, how can you keep your students happy, engaged, and motivated during a global pandemic that -clearly- affects their mood? Well, by finding the right tools and learning environments for them to genuinely progress.

As we said before, they might be paying more attention to their game consoles than to your class. So what?! Be creative and implement elements of video games in your online class and let them enjoy their learning experience from a fresh perspective.

Offering them an online learning environment that is mission-based will allow them to increase their self-confidence once they see they are -at their own pace- achieving pre-set goals and strengthening important abilities while having fun.

If you want more information on how to motivate your students during a unique global situation like the one we are going through right now, we recommend you to read a blog post we recently published, and to re-watch our STEM webinar “How to Motivate your Students to learn STEM during COVID-19”.

Keeping track of their progress

You know this, educators should always keep track of the progress of their students. We are not talking about standardized tests or hard exams to evaluate where your students stand academic-wise. Instead, we refer to modern ways to see how they are doing, and in which areas they could need improvement or a little help.

But how do you do this while in confinement? We recommend you to do two important things. First of all, create instances of open conversations with each individual participant in your class. Talk to your students about their feelings, their academic progress, and their goals once this global pandemic is over.

We’ve mentioned the Vygotskyan approach to education several times. We deeply believe that creating a genuine relationship with your students that subserves the appearance of real human interaction, is the key to success.

For your students to really progress, you need to know who they are and what they are expecting from you and from your STEM class.

That being said, tools like CoderZ have a useful teacher section in which STEAM teachers can easily track students’ progress and interact with each one of them. Give it a try!

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