Science, asked by udayjamgade1, 16 hours ago

difine. androshiyam and gaynosyam​


Answered by Anonymous


The androecium is the sum of all the male reproductive organs, and the gynoecium is the sum of the female reproductive organs.

Answered by jasmeetsingh6620



An androecium is the male part of the flower which is composed of a long filament and an anther attached to its tip.

The number of stamens may vary according to the flower.

The anther is a bi-lobed structure. Each lobe contain two pollen sacs.

The pollen sacs contain pollen grains. The pollen grains are nourished in the pollen sacs and when they mature they are liberated out of the sac.

The pollen grains are very minute structures, which appear as a powdery mass and can be found in different size and shapes.


A gynoecium is the female reproductive organ of the flower and referred as a pistil.

It consists of stigma, style and an ovary.

A stigma is present at the tip of the style and may have many lobes. It is a hairy structure and secret a sugary substance.

The pollen grains land on stigma and stick to it's surface because of its sticky nature during pollination.

Style is a stalk which connects the ovary to stigma. It helps the entry of pollen tube in the ovary.

An ovary is at the base of the gynoecium and consists of one to many carpels.

An ovary can be single chambered or multi chambered which are known as locules.

The locules contain many small structures called as ovules, which are connected to the walls of the ovary with minute connections called as placenta. During fruit formation the ovary matures in a fruit and the ovules in seeds.

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