difrenciate between elements and compounds
An element is a substance that is made entirely from one type of atom. For example, the element hydrogen is made from atoms containing just one proton and one electron. ...
A compound is a substance made from two or more different elements that have been chemically joined.
Hope it helps :)
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Elements and compounds are pure chemical substances found in nature. The difference between an element and a compound is that an element is a substance made of same type of atoms, whereas a compound is made of different elements in definite proportions. Examples of elements include iron, copper, hydrogen and oxygen. Examples of compounds include water (H2O) and salt (Sodium Chloride - NaCl)
Elements are listed according to their atomic number on the Periodic Table. Among the 117 known elements, 94 are naturally occurring like carbon, oxygen, hydrogen etc. 22 are artificially produced having undergone radioactive changes. The reason for this is their instability due to which they undergo radioactive decay over a period of time giving rise to new elements during the process like Uranium, Thorium, Bismuth etc. Elements combine in fixed ratios and give rise to stable compounds due to chemical bonds that facilitate compound formation.
difference in properties
Atomic number – the atomic number is denoted by the letter Z and is the number of protons present in the nucleus of the atom of element. For e.g. carbon has 6 protons in its nucleus and for Carbon, Z = 6. Number of protons is also indicative of electric charge or number of electrons present in the nucleus which determines chemical properties of the element.
Atomic Mass – the letter A indicates the atomic mass of the element which is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom of the element. Isotopes of the same elements differ in their atomic masses.
Isotopes – isotopes of an element have the same number of protons in their nucleus but differ in the number of neutrons. Naturally occurring elements have more than one stable isotope. Thus isotopes have similar chemical properties (due to same number of protons) but different nuclear properties (due to different number of neutrons). For e.g. carbon has three isotopes, Carbon - 12, Carbon -13 and Carbon - 14.
Allotropes – atoms of an element can form bonds with each other in more than one way leading to difference in their chemical properties. For e.g. carbon binds in a tetrahedron to form diamond and layers of hexagons of carbon forms graphite.
Compounds are composed of different elements in a fixed proportion. For example, 1 atom of sodium (Na) combines with 1 atom of chlorine (Cl) to form one molecule of sodium chloride (NaCl) compound. The elements in a compound do not always retain their original properties and cannot be separated by physical means. The combining of elements is facilitated by their valency. Valency is defined as the number of hydrogen atoms required that can combine with an atom of the element forming the compound. Most compounds can exist as solids (low enough temperatures) and can be decomposed by the application of heat. Sometimes foreign elements are trapped inside crystal structure of compounds giving them a non homogeneous structure. Compounds are depicted by their chemical formula which follows the Hill system wherein carbon atoms are listed first, followed by hydrogen atoms after which elements are listed in alphabetical order.