Digestion system of cockroach
The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and digestive glands. The alimentary canal of cockroach is divided into foregut, midgut, and hindgut. The mouth opens into a short tubular pharynx, leading to a narrow tubular
❤. Digestive system of cockroach❤
⭐. The digestive system of cockroach consist of 1.Alimentary canal 2. Digestive glands.
❤. Alimentary canal ❤
⭐. The alimentary canal extends from mouth to anus .
⭐. It divided into 3 region .They are 1. Foregut 2.Midgut 3.Hindgut.
❤. FOREGUT ( Stomodaeum )❤
- Foregut has pharynx, oesophagus , crop and gizzard.
- pharynx is a very short tube.It leads into a narrow tubular oesophagus.
- oesophagus opens into a sac like crop.It stores food for digestion.
- Its outer surface covered by tracheal tubes.
- Behind the crop there is a thick walled muscular gizzard.
- The chitinious inner linning of the gizzard has 6 powerful teeth.
- These teeth form an efficient grinding apparatus.
- Thus Gizzard acts as grinding mill and sieve.
- The membranous funnel projected into mesenteron from gizzard is called stomdeal valve.
- This valve prevents backward movement of food from mesenteron into gizzard.
❤. MIDGUT ( Mesenteron) ❤
- It is a short narrow tube.
- Anterior part of midgut contains 6 to 8 finger shaped diverticular called hepatic caecae.
- These are helpful in digestion and absorption of digested food material.
- The anterior part of midgut is secretory and posterior part is absorptive
- Secretory part secrets enzymes.
- The food bolus is surrounded by chitinious and porous peritrophic membrane which is secreted by midgut.
- It protects midgut wall from hard food particles.
❤. HINDGUT ( Proctodaeum) ❤
- It is a long coiled tube.
- The hindgut is divided into ileum , colon and rectum.
- There is a sphincter between mesenteron and hindgut.
- The sphincter prevents back movement of undigested food and uric acid from the hindgut to midgut.
- Ileum collects uric acid from Malpighian tubules which are present at the anterior end of ileum.
- colon is a long , coiled tube.It opens inti short and wider rectum which opens out through anus.
- Rectum has 6 longitudnal folds called rectal papillae .They absorb water from undigested food.
- Entire hind is internally lined by cuticle.
⭐. The digestive glands of cockroach includes
1. Salivary glands 2. Hepatic caecae. 3 Glandular cells of mesenteron.
❤. Salivary glands ❤
- A pair of salivary glands are present on either side of the crop.
- Each salivary glands has two lobes.
- Each lobe has many lobules called acini.
- Each acinus is made up of secretory cells called zymogen cells.
- All the zymogen cells are connected by ductules.
- The ductules open into a common salivart duct.The two common salivary ductus are joined to form the median salivary duct.
- There is a pair of salivary receptacles to store saliva.
- The receptular duct is connected to common receptacular duct.
- The median salivary duct is connected to common recptular duct to form an efferent salivary duct.
- The efferent salivary duct opens at the base of hypopharynx in mouth cavity.
- Saliva is secreted by zymogen cells which contains starch digesting enzymes amylase..
❤. Hepatic caecae ❤
- There are six to eight finger like diverticular called hepatic caecae which contains secretory and absorptive cells.
❤. Glandular cekms of Mesenteron ❤
- Glandular cells of mesenteron secrets maltase , invertase.