English, asked by alhil0, 17 days ago

Direct and Indirect Speech
1. 'Ain't you going to put the boots in?" said Harris.
2. "P'll take my oath I put it down on that chair," said George, staring at the empty seat. "I saw you
do it myself, not a minute ago," said Harris.
3. Most extraordinary thing I ever heard of," said George. "So mysterious!" said Harris.
4. Then George got round at the back of Harris and saw the butter. Why, here it is all the time," he
exclaimed, indignantly. "Where?" cried Harris, spinning round. "Stand still, can't you!" roared
George, flying after him.
5. Harris said to me, "Do you prefer the inside or the outside, 1?" I said I generally preferred to sleep
inside a bed.
de from the bracket:


Answered by killerlegend974


ज निम्नलिखितवाक्यानि द्विवचने परिवर्तयत। (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को द्विवचन में बदलिए। एकवचनम् सा भोजनम् खादति। (क) सः पत्रम् अलिखत्। (ख) एषः लगुडेन ताडयेत्। (ग) सः बालकेन सह गच्छतु। (घ) सा छात्राय पुस्तकम् अयच्छत्। (ङ) वने सिंहः वसति। (च) लतायाम् पुष्पम् आसीत्। (छ) छात्रः पाठ स्मरिष्यति। (ज) सा बालिका पुस्तकम् अपठत्। (झ) सः सुन्दरः अश्वः अस्ति। (ब) एतत् आम्रम् खादतु।

Answered by MissIncredible34


Then George got round at the back of Harris and saw the butter. Why, here it is all the time," he

exclaimed, indignantly. "Where?" cried Harris, spinning round. "Stand still, can't you!" roared

George, flying after him.

hope it helps

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