Business Studies, asked by madhura78, 10 months ago

directio and coordination are very important function in business management how​


Answered by RAMA120903

Importance of Coordination in Management

Here are some reasons which describe the importance of coordination in management:

Unity in Diversity

Every large organization has a large number of employees, each with different views or opinions, activities and background. Therefore, there are diverse activities in an organization. However, all these activities would not be highly effective in the absence of coordination. Hence, coordination is important for unity in diversity.

Unity of Direction

An organization needs to integrate the efforts and skills of different employees in order to achieve common objectives. Coordination also eliminates duplication of work leading to cost-efficient operations.

Functional Differentiation

An organization has many departments or sections performing different functions. All these functions are important for achieving the overall goals of the organization. If all departments work in isolation from the others, then they might not work in tandem. Therefore, coordination is essential for integrating the functions.

Lesser disputes

Many departments play an important role in helping the organization achieve its goals. They are also capable of assessing the nature and scope of work they perform. However, they are usually unaware of the importance of other department’s roles leading to disputes. Coordination can help solve such disputes.

Reconciliation of goals

All individuals have their own goals which are more important to them than the organization’s goals. Coordination helps to reconcile the employee’s goals with the departmental and organizational goals.

Differentiation and Integration

Usually, activities of an organization are divided into two types of units – specialized and homogeneous. Also, to achieve group efforts, authority is delegated to different levels in the organization. Coordination facilitates this process.

Optimum Utilization of Resources

Primarily, coordination ensures that employees do not engage in cross-purpose work since it brings together the human and material resources of the organization. Therefore, there is less wastage of resources which helps the organization utilize them optimally.

Encouragement of team spirit

In an organization, there exist many conflicts between employees, departments, etc. Coordination encourages people and departments to work as one big team and achieve the common objectives of the organization. Therefore, it encourages team spirit.


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