Direction Choose the fetter at the correct answer write your answers in the botas
provided before exchamber.
Variables that have that lie alangan nevenly dispersed range or numbers
in the salute era batter
negative inaityto positiventa ane
શું Oliverable
KELAB bile
3. Categories that cannot be undone in any marnevlar are called
FA Ratase
4. The factor that is observed and measured 15 dotermine the effect of the
jendependent variable in an experiments
a. Dependent Vaпataleva
Gelndependent Vanalar
b. Car Vazbiu
di Intervening
5 Factors controlled by the sxperimenter to cancel outer neutralize any effect a
the observed phenomenon are
a Dependent Variables
e Independent variable
betro Variable
6. Factors that theoretically effects obs phenomenon but cannot be soen,
measured or manipulated are
a. Dependent Vartables c Independent Variable
5. Control Variable
daturveten Variable
7 Variables that are not actually measured or observed to the study are
a. Dependent b. Confounding independent d intervening
8. Number of students taking a statistics course is an example of what type of
variable? a. Discrete Variable
e. Independent Variable
Continuous Variable
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