direction of plate movements...
thermal convection-
ridge push-
slab pull-
Ridge push (also known as gravitational sliding) or sliding plate force is a proposed driving force for plate motion in plate tectonics that occurs at mid-ocean ridges as the result of the rigid lithosphere sliding down the hot, raised asthenosphere below mid-ocean ridges.
Slab pull is that part of the motion of a tectonic plate caused by its subduction. In 1975 Forsyth and Uyeda used the inverse theory method to show that, of the many forces likely to be driving plate motion, slab pull was the strongest.
Convective heat transfer, often referred to simply as convection, is the transfer of heat from one place to another by the movement of fluids. Convection is usually the dominant form of heat transfer in liquids and gases.
Definition. Plate Driving Forces: The forces that drive the motions of tectonic plates at the surface. Slab Pull: The force exerted by the weight of the subducted slab on the plate it is attached to. Ridge Push: The pressure exerted by the excess height of the mid-ocean ridge.
The direction of the following plate movements are as follows:
- Thermal convection: The movement of the earth's rigid tectonic plates is driven in the planet's fluid molten mantle. Hot magma flows in convection currents due to tremendous heat and pressure in the crust. Therefore the movement is caused by these currents in the earth's crust.
- Ridge push: Ridge push is also called gravitational sliding is a proposed main thrust for plate movement in tectonic plates that happens at the mid-sea ridges as the aftereffect of the inflexible lithosphere sliding down the hot, raised asthenosphere underneath mid-sea ridges.
- Slab pull: A slab pull is that piece of the movement of a tectonic plate brought about by its subduction. Plate movement is determined by the weight of cold and dense plates sinking into the mantle of the oceans. This force and slab suction represents practically all of the force that drives tectonic plates.