English, asked by bookie1447, 8 months ago

Direction:- Point out the subject and the predicate in each of the following sentences:
1.The dog loves the child.
2.Does the child love the dog?
3.The hunter caught the hare.
4.Where does the hare live in winter?
5.What a timid little fellow the hare is!
6.The vessel was a magnificent five-master.
8.The girl plays the piano well.
9.How the people crowd the station!
10.Why are so many people gathered here?
11.They expect to see the President.
12.Take this message to the telegraph office.
13.How did James learn his lesson so well?
14.I bring fresh showers to thirsty flowers.
15.Let no guilty man escape.
16.The sun was sinking behind the western hills.
17.How can they draw water from so deep a well?
18.What a splendid boat that is!


Answered by preet3564



the answer is given above...!!

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