English, asked by ashishyadav7054, 10 months ago

Directions (76-80): In the fol-
lowing passage some words have
(1) inflation
been deleted. Fill in the blanks with (2) augmenta
the help of the alternatives given.
Select the most appropriate option
(3) extension
for each blank.
(4) compressi
Seoul's city government is ask-
85. Select the an
en word.
ing people for help to correct poor-
ly translated street signs -with priz-
es on offer for (76) who spot the
(1) scanty
most errors, it's running (77) two (3) seldom
week campaign calling on Koreans 86. Select the w
and foreigners (78) to keep their eyes (1) calender
peeled for (79) in English, Japanese
(3) callous
and Chinese text, the Korea Times
87. Select the
reports. There's a (80) focus on pub-
word to fill
lic transport signs, maps and in-
Around six
formation signs at historic sites, as
part of a drive to improve the expe-
ting Hill
rience of foreign tourists in the
(1) clothin
South Korean capital.
(3) annare​


Answered by mrinalchaudhuri20148


eat and drink and I have no idea how to get 3rd grade is he doing it to you later today and tomorrow I will have a great time at work at a party for the day off tomorrow so we are in a bit more time

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