English, asked by nhicoleabagon13, 9 hours ago

Directions: Read the following passages and determine the main purpose and structure of the
texts. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The Philippine Eagle, also known as the Monkey-eating eagle, is among the rarest, largest,
and most powerful birds in the world. It is critically endangered, because of the massive loss
its habitat due to deforestation.
What is the reason why eagles are endangered?
A. because of changing weather
C. because of heavy rain
B. because of deforestation
D. because of too much heat
What text structure is used?
A. Cause and Effect
C. Problem and Solution
B. Compare and Contrast
D. Sequence
2. On a rainy day, the sky is covered with dark grey clouds. Most people prefer to stay at home
because it's cold and wet outside. On the other hand, on a sunny day, the sky is clear.
People go out and enjoy doing outdoor activities.
What are being compared in the text?
A. clouds and rain
C. sky and cloud
B. rainy day and sunny day
D. sun and cloud
How is the paragraph structured?
A. Cause and Effect
C. Descriptive
B. Compare and Contrast
D. Problem and Solution
3. Water is a basic resource that guarantees the life of all living things. Its shortage and pollution
greatly affects humans and animals too. For this reason, water treatment processes such as
drinking water treatment and desalination are utilized.
What is the solution for water contamination?
C. fertilization
D. sterilization
A. evaporation B. desalination
What text structure is used in this paragraph?
A. Cause and Effect
C. Descriptive
D. Problem and Solution
B Compare and Contrast​


Answered by paripurnsarde4


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