Math, asked by g4sureshtest, 1 month ago

Directions : There are 28000 people living in a town, out of which 6500 drink milk only, 5500 drink tea only, 4500 drink coffee only. 3000 drink tea and milk, 5000 drink tea and coffee and 4000 drink milk and coffee. The ratio of people who drink all three beverage and do not drink any beverage is 2 : 3.​


Answered by guptaankita5252


3000 drink tea and milk, 5000 drink tea and coffee and 4000 drink milk and coffee. The ratio of people who drink all three beverage and do not drink any beverage is 2 : 3. निर्देश : एक कस्‍बे में 28000 लोग रहते हैं, जिनमें से 6500 केवल दूध पीते हैं, 5500 केवल चाय पीते हैं, 4500 केवल कॉफी पीते हैं

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