CBSE BOARD XII, asked by austin7287, 1 year ago

Disadvantage of order principle of management


Answered by hsinghs1612gmailcom


The "Fourteen Principles Of Management" was written by Henry Fayol. It directly suggests about the business management skills.

The fourteen principles are :

1. Division of Work

2. Authority and Responsibility

3. Discipline

4. Unity of Command

5. Unity of Direction

6. Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest

7.Remuneration of Employees

8. Centralisation and Decentralisation

9. Scalar Chain

10. Order

11. Equity

12. Stability of Personnel

13. Initiative

14. Espirit de Corps!

Disadvantages are:

* It is not based on research works it only emphasizes in management skills.

* It was created long time ago, so it does not matches with the thinking and control policies of recent times.

Advantages are:

* Motivates the employees with compensation

* Build up concept on team work.

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