Hindi, asked by hardiknarain8591, 1 year ago

Disadvantages of being fatalist


Answered by Anonymous

Fatalism is negative if it is a pervasive attitude. It may be associated with pessimism, hopelessness, and despair.

Answered by aaryanbizoara16

Answer: Fatalism is negative if it is a pervasive attitude. It may be associated with pessimism, hopelessness, and despair.

Explanation:  Fatalism is a philosophical doctrine that stresses the subjugation of all events or actions to Fate or destiny, and is commonly associated with the consequent attitude of resignation in the face of future events which are thought to be inevitable.

Fatalism generally refers to any of the following ideas:

The view that human beings are powerless to do anything other than what they actually do.Included in this is the belief that humans have no power to influence the future or indeed the outcome of their own actions This belief is very similar to predeterminism.

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