Disadvantages of floating point representation?
Disadvantages of floating point representation.
The main disadvantage of floating factor is that the computer has to cut up its garage space between the mantissa and the exponent. this means that the mantissa can cause rounding errors if no longer sufficient room is assigned to it. There has to be a tradeoff between accuracy and the range of numbers that we are able to represent.
First, they can represent values between integers. 2d, because of the scaling issue, they are able to constitute a much greater variety of values. then again, floating factor operations typically are slightly slower than integer operations, and you could lose precision.
The problem is that many numbers can't be represented via a sum of a finite number of these inverse powers. the usage of greater vicinity values (greater bits) will growth the precision of the representation of these 'problem' numbers, however in no way get it exactly as it only has a limited variety of bits.
Disadvantages of floating point representation?
Write advantages and disadvantages of floating - point numbers