Computer Science, asked by vineethprasad24, 1 year ago

disadvantages of IOT (internet of things)......


Answered by manikagamit90



            Three of the main concerns that accompany the Internet of Things are the breach of privacy, over-reliance on technology, and the loss of jobs.  When anything is put on the internet it will always be there.  Of course there are security measures that are taken to protect information, but there is always the possibility of hackers breaking into the system and stealing the data. For example, Anonymous is a group of individuals that hacked into federal sites and released confidential information to the public. Meanwhile the government is supposed to have the highest level of security, yet their system was easily breached.   Therefore, if all of our information is stored on the internet, people could hack into it, finding out everything about individuals lives.  Also, companies could misuse the information that they are given access to.  This is a common mishap that occurs within companies all the time.  Just recently Google got caught using information that was supposed to be private.  Information, such as the data collected and stored by IoT, can be immensely beneficial to companies. 

            The privacy issues also leads to the question of who will control the Internet of Things?  If there is only one company, that could potentially lead to a monopoly hurting consumers and other companies.  If there are multiple companies that are given access to the information acquired, doesn’t that breach consumers privacy?  Also, where is the information going to be stored? Phone service suppliers such as Verizon and AT&T are no longer offering unlimited data usage for mobile phones because it is too costly, yet by 2020 it is expected that 50 billion devices will be connected, collecting and storing data (Evans, 2011). 

            Another argument against IoT is the over-reliance on technology.  As time has progressed, our current generation has grown up with the readily availability of the internet and technology in general.  However, relying on technology on a day to day basis, making decisions by the information that it gives up could lead to devastation.  No system is robust and fault-free.  We see glitches that occur constantly in technology, specifically involving the internet.  Depending on the amount that an individual relies on the information supplied could be detrimental if the system collapses.  The more we entrust and the more dependent we are on the Internet could lead to a potentially catastrophic event if it crashes. 

            Finally the connecting of more and more devices to the Internet will result in the loss of jobs.  The automation of IoT “will have a devastating impact on the employment prospects of less-educated workers” (Schumpeter, 2010).  For example, people who evaluate inventory will lose their jobs because devices can not only communicate between each other, but transmit that information to the owner.  We already are witnessing jobs being lost to automated machines, such as the checkout line in supermarkets and even ATM’s.  These disadvantages can be largely devastating to society as a whole, as well as individuals and consumers. 

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