disadvantages of mass media only in 5 points class 7
Advantages of Media
It educates individuals. People get to know regarding health problems, environmental protection, and more via television and radio programmes.
In a very short period of time, citizens get the latest information. Distance does not constitute an obstacle. Via the newspapers, individuals get information every day and this makes everyone updated on the current events.
People have to bring their secret talents. In the media, their skills like acting, comedy and singing are demonstrated.
The awareness in children is growing. From quiz programmes, animal programmes, and so on, children will understand.
Radio is useful as individuals obtain brief news and can reach it via a cell phone and many more.
Disadvantages of media
It contributes to individualism. On the website and watching tv, people waste too much time.
As a consequence, it is affected by social interactions with friends, relatives and neighbours.
Some content in the media is not appropriate for children.
It can be tough to restrict children’s access to certain stuff.
Papers are geographically limited.
Increased advertisements on TV and radio makes them less interesting.
The Internet opens up the possibilities of fraud, theft and hacking as a type of entertainment.
Further Reading
Explain the modern means of communication
Define the principles of effective communication
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Here's your answer.
The disadvantages of the media include a risk of inaccurate reporting and a loss of privacy. Sometimes, in a rush to be the first to break a story, the media puts out incorrect or inaccurate information. This can be embarrassing, and depending on the information, it can harm a person's reputation.
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