English, asked by Dhanush04, 1 year ago

Disaster management on the topic earthquake


Answered by vickydao28pa3dl7
Earthquake is a natural calamity which has power to destroy human lives in few seconds. It is lonely responsible for the huge damage to living and non-living beings. Earlier, people were unaware of the reasons of earthquake occurrence and the extent of damage. They believed that earthquake occur whenever mother earth become angry with them. It was Aristotle (a great Greek philosopher) who made people aware that earthquake occur because of some physical factors. He told that, some parts of land moves whenever air compressed within the arch escapes which is called as volcanic activity. Earthquake waves cause movement in the surrounding areas because of air pressure and imbalance.

Another reason of earthquake occurrence is isostatic adjustment. Earth surface contains some raised and depressed blocks which make balance of earth surface however the balance disturb when blocks moves revolving on units of axis. Raised blocks get down and cause imbalance on the earth surface which inturn cause earthquake. Generally, it occurs in the volcano prime areas, under the feet of mountains and hills. However, it is not sure that earthquakes do not occur in other places. Earthquake may occur anytime in any part of the world. Some of the earthquakes become weak however some of them become very strong with huge force which may shake the earth suface far away from the centre point.

Earthquakes with huge intensity become really dangerous and cause severe damage. According to the scientific study with the help of Seismograph, there are some secondary waves and tertiary waves in the earthquake. There are various measurement scales which can accurately measure the intensity of earthquake such as Mercall’s scale, Richter scale, moment magnitude scale, etc. Himalaya zone, the Ganga, Deccan Plateau, the Brahmaputra valleys, etc are the earthquake prone areas in India. Kutch (Gujarat, India) earthquake of the year 1819 was so massive (calculated 8 on Richeter Scale) and affected a huge area (around 5000 square kilometers depressed by 15 feet and 1500 square kilometers raised by 50 feet). More than 10000 people were killed in the earthquake event of Latur and Osmanabad districts of Maharashtra on 30th of September in 1993.

Earthquake is the result of release of elastic energy after forceful tectonic plate movements. Elastic energy released in the form of seismic or shock waves which travels for a long distance outwards in all directions from the centre point (a place of maximum destruction). High-rise buildings and ancient structures of the cities (like Delhi) can be badly affected by the seismic force of earthquake.
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