English, asked by baruasiddhartha442, 5 days ago

Discipline is of utmost importance in student life. If the young students do not obey their superior and go without discipline, they will be deprived of March of the training they should have at the period, and in future they will never be able to extract obedience from others in the society. Search missguided young men will surely come to grief in the long run. Society will never accept them as percentage for the commanding and taking up any responsible position in life. A school without discipline can never impart sweet education to students. Such a school is no better than a factory to turn out I'm perfect men and women. The role of discipline in the playground and the battlefield as well as place a very important role. A well disciplined team is likely to win the game in spite of its weakness. Bharti team without discipline may not farewell in the in spite of good players for want of natural understanding and cooperation. The soldiers in the battlefield have to abide by strictest discipline. In an army everyone from the rank of general down to the mark of an ordinary soldier but most observed discipline. In case a soldier does not obey his immediate superior the army becomes a Rebel quite unfit for the achievement of the common end of the wire.

What should be the title of the above passage ?

please tall me answer then i make brientlest..​


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A Students Fear To Society
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